Employment Law - Social Security

Corporate life

  • Formation and performance of employment contracts (employment contract, disciplinary proceedings, individual dismissal/contractual termination, settlement)
  • Remuneration and social benefits: remuneration policy, bonuses, employee savings (profit-sharing, incentives, company savings plans, stock option, business creator share subscription warrants), supplementary welfare protection
  • Hours of work
  • Management of staff representative institutions
  • Negotiation and drafting of collective agreements
  • Health and safety: relations with the Comité d’Hygiene, de Sécurité, et des Conditions de Travail [(Hygiene, Safety and Work Conditions Committee (CHSCT)], prevention and monitoring of psychosocial risks (harassment, burn-out), incapacity, work-related accidents / occupational illnesses
  • Relations with the administrative authorities: labour inspectorate, Union de Recouvrement des Cotisations de Securité Sociale et d’Allocations Familiales [Union for the Collection of Social Security and Family Allocations (URSSAF)] (inspection/ negotiation)
  • Social security law
  • Support for companies undergoing digital transition
  • Restructuring: audits on employment and social security law aspects, management of the social and HR consequences of a contemplated transaction
  • Management of a reduction of staff: Redundancies, Dismissals for economic reasons, Plan de Sauvegarde de l’Emploi [Job Safeguard Plan (PSE)], site closure, voluntary redundancy plans
  • Judicial turnaround or liquidation proceedings
  • Individual and collective litigation (Employment Tribunal, Administrative Court, Social Security Court, Small Claims Court, Court of First Instance, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court and Supreme Administrative Court) and alternative dispute resolution methods (collaborative law practice)

Managers and key men of a business

  • Status / cumulation of employment contract and corporate office
  • Remuneration methods (bonus, profit-sharing, shareholding, management package)
  • Professional mobility (in France and abroad)
  • Powers of attorney
  • Departures from a business, negotiated or otherwise

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