IT & Digital

  • IT projects: software / hardware, IT services, cloud, mobility, BYOD, platforms, SaaS / PaaS / IaaS / DaaS / BaaS services, outsourcing, managed services, etc.
  • IT contracts (drafting and negotiation)
  • Information systems and network security
  • Internet and electronic communications: e-commerce and web platforms, e-reputation, social media, websites, etc.
  • Digital marketing and communication
  • Cybersecurity and cybercrime
  • Electronic processes and exchanges (electronic signature, payment, electronic safe, etc.)
  • Artificial intelligence (support for projects to design and develop tools using AI, assistance with the choice and deployment of tools using AI in companies, etc.)
  • Innovative projects and digital transition (blockchain, connected objects, quantified-self, predictive technologies, etc.)
  • IT pre-litigation and litigation


  • Drawing up and negotiating contracts for (i) the implementation of private networks (corporate WANs); (ii) managed services (management of all the customer’s infrastructure equipment by the telecoms operator and the telecoms services provided, in particular the customer’s IP network); (iii) cloud computing; (iv) Full MVNO; (v) MVNO; (vi) Multiroaming; (vii) outsourced core network services.
  • French, EU or international telecoms sector regulations: launch of new services/projects, infrastructure sharing, interconnection arrangements, roll-out of new networks, award of licences, support for the provision of telecoms services (to consumers, businesses, public/administrative bodies).
  • Advice to equipment manufacturers and operators: requests for authorisation from ANSSI
  • Legal advice on (i) the use and operation of cryptographic means, (ii) cryptology and French regulations, (iii) subsidies for mobile terminals, (iv) regulatory requirements applicable to the deployment of cloud services, (v) cloud and data security, (vi) ISO standards and cloud contracts, (vii) the liability of technical service providers, (viii) illegal downloads and the obligations of Internet Service Providers (ISPs), (ix) data retention periods, including connection logs.
  • Legal proceedings relating in particular to (i) breaches of contractual obligations, particularly in the area of security, and the liability of the service provider, (ii) cyber attacks and (iii) intrusions into automated data processing systems.

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